Diese Datenschutzerklärung wurde zuletzt am 23. Oktober 2022 aktualisiert und gilt für Bürger und Personen mit ständigem Wohnsitz im Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum und der Schweiz.

In dieser Datenschutzerklärung erklären wir was wir mit den Daten, die wir über dich via https://fabimax.de gesammelt haben, tun. Wir empfehlen dir, dieses Dokument sorgfältig zu lesen. Während unserer Verarbeitung entsprechen wir den gesetzlichen Anforderungen. Dies bedeutet unter anderem:

  • Wir geben klar die Zwecke für die wir persönliche Daten verarbeiten, an. Dies geschieht durch diese Datenschutzerklärung.
  • Wir zielen darauf ab, unsere Sammlung von persönlichen Daten auf jene persönliche Daten zu beschränken, die aus legitimen Gründen benötigt werden.
  • Wir werden zunächst dein explizites Einverständnis einholen, wenn dies notwendig sein sollte, um deine persönlichen Daten zu verarbeiten.
  • Wir unternehmen angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen um deine persönlichen Daten zu schützen und verlangen dies ebenso von Parteien, die persönliche Daten in unserem Auftrag verarbeiten.
  • Wir respektieren dein Recht auf Einsichtnahme, Berichtigung oder Löschung deiner personenbezogenen Daten.

Wenn du Fragen hast oder wissen möchtest, welche persönlichen Daten wir über dich haben, kontaktiere uns bitte.

1. Zweck, Daten und Aufbewahrungsfrist

Wir können personenbezogene Daten für eine Reihe von Zwecken im Zusammenhang mit unserer Geschäftstätigkeit sammeln oder erhalten, darunter die folgenden: (zum Vergrößern anklicken)

2. Weitergabe an andere Parteien

Wir geben diese Daten nur zu folgenden Zwecken an Verarbeiter weiter:

3. Cookies

Unsere Website benutzt Cookies. Für mehr Informationen über Cookies schaue bitte unter unseren Cookie-Richtlinien nach. 

4. Offenlegungspraktiken

Wir legen personenbezogene Daten offen, wenn wir gesetzlich oder per Gerichtsbeschluss dazu verpflichtet sind, z. B. auf Anforderung einer Strafverfolgungsbehörde, soweit dies im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zulässig ist, um Auskünfte zu erteilen, oder für eine Untersuchung in einer Angelegenheit, die die öffentliche Sicherheit betrifft.

Wenn unsere Website oder unser Unternehmen im Rahmen einer Fusion oder Übernahme übernommen oder verkauft wird, können deinen Daten unseren Beratern und potenziellen Käufern offengelegt und an die neuen Eigentümer übermittelt werden.

Wir verfügen über eine Datenverarbeitungsvereinbarung mit Google.

Google darf die Daten nicht für andere Google-Dienste verwenden.

5. Sicherheit

Wir sind der Sicherheit persönlicher Daten verpflichtet. Wir unternehmen angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen um Missbrauch von und unauthorisierten Zugriff auf persönliche Daten zu begrenzen. Dies stellt sicher, dass nur notwendige Personen Zugriff auf deine Daten erhalten, dieser Zugriff geschützt ist und dass unsere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen regelmäßig geprüft werden.

6. Websites von Drittanbietern

Diese Datenschutzerklärung gilt nicht für Websites von Drittparteien, die durch Links auf unserer Website verbunden sind. Wir können nicht garantieren, dass diese Drittanbieter deine persönlichen Daten in verlässlicher oder sicherer Weise behandeln. Wir empfehlen dir die Datenschutzerklärungen dieser Websites vor deren Nutzung zu lesen.

7. Ergänzungen zu dieser Datenschutzerklärung

Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzerklärung vorzunehmen. Es wird empfohlen, diese Datenschutzerklärung regelmäßig zu lesen, um sich über Änderungen zu informieren. Darüber hinaus informieren wir dich wo immer möglich.

8. Zugriff und Bearbeitung deiner Daten

Wenn du Fragen hast oder wissen möchtest, welche persönlichen Daten wir über dich haben, kontaktiere uns bitte. Du kannst uns mittels der unten stehenden Informationen erreichen. Du hast die folgenden Rechte:

  • Du hast das Recht zu wissen, warum deine persönlichen Daten gebraucht werden, was mit ihnen passiert und wie lange diese verwahrt werden.
  • Zugriffsrecht: Du hast das Recht deine uns bekannten persönliche Daten einzusehen.
  • Recht auf Berichtigung: Du hast das Recht wann immer du wünscht, deine persönlichen Daten zu ergänzen, zu korrigieren sowie gelöscht oder blockiert zu bekommen.
  • Wenn du uns dein Einverständnis zur Verarbeitung deiner Daten gegeben hast, hast du das Recht dieses Einverständnis zu widerrufen und deine persönlichen Daten löschen zu lassen.
  • Recht auf Datentransfer deiner Daten: Du hast das Recht, alle deine persönlichen Daten von einem Verantwortlichen anzufordern und in ihrer Gesamtheit zu einem anderen Verantwortlichen zu transferieren.
  • Widerspruchsrecht: Du kannst der Verarbeitung deiner Daten widersprechen. Wir entsprechen dem, es sei denn es gibt berechtigte Gründe für die Verarbeitung.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass du immer klar angibst, wer du bist, sodass wir sicher sein können nicht die Daten der falschen Person zu bearbeiten oder zu löschen.

9. Eine Beschwerde übermitteln

Wenn du nicht zufrieden mit der Art und Weise bist, in der wir (deine Beschwerde) die Verarbeitung deiner persönlichen Daten handhaben, hast du das Recht eine Beschwerde an die Datenschutzbehörde zu richten.

10. Kontaktdaten

FabiMax GmbH
Peuntstr. 13
95632 Wunsiedel
Website: https://fabimax.de
E-Mail: ed.xamibaf@tkatnok
Telefonnummer: +49 92337165497


Really Simple SSL

Really Simple SSL und Really Simple SSL Add-ons verarbeiten keine personenbezogenen Daten, so dass die DSGVO bei diesen Plugins oder die Benutzung dieser Plugins auf deiner Website keine Anwendung findet. Du findest unsere Datenschutzerklärung hier.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

Diese Website verwendet die Privacy Suite für WordPress von Complianz, um Datensätze über Einwilligungen zu sammeln. Für diese Funktionalität wird deine IP-Adresse anonymisiert und in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Complianz Datenschutzerklärung.

Forminator Forms

Which forms collect personal data?

If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any forms on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other forms.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default Forminator captures the <strong>IP Address</strong> for each submission to a Form. Other personal data such as your <strong>name</strong> and <strong>email address</strong> may also be captured, depending on the Form Fields.

Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form, we capture the <strong>IP Address</strong> for spam protection. We also capture the <strong>email address</strong> and might capture other personal data included in the Form fields.

How long we retain your data

By default Forminator retains all form submissions <strong>forever</strong>. You can change this setting in <strong>Forminator</strong> » <strong>Settings</strong> » <strong>Privacy Settings</strong>

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form we retain the data for 30 days.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.

Third Parties

If your forms utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Forminator Forms can be configured to connect with these third parties:

  • Akismet. Enabled when you installed and configured Akismet on your site.
  • Google reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you added reCAPTCHA on your forms.
  • hCaptcha. Enabled when you added hCaptcha on your forms.
  • Mailchimp. Enabled when you activated and setup Mailchimp on Integrations settings.
  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Integrations settings.
  • ActiveCampaign. Enabled when you activated and setup ActiveCampaign on Integrations settings.
  • Aweber. Enabled when you activated and setup Aweber on Integrations settings.
  • Campaign Monitor. Enabled when you activated and setup Campaign Monitor on Integrations settings.
  • Google Drive. Enabled when you activated and setup Google Drive on Integrations settings.
  • Trello. Enabled when you activated and setup Trello on Integrations settings.
  • Slack. Enabled when you activated and setup Slack on Integrations settings.

Suggested text:

We use Google reCAPTCHA for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

We use hCaptcha for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.hcaptcha.com/privacy.

We use Akismet Spam for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://automattic.com/privacy/.

We use Mailchimp to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/.

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://zapier.com/privacy/.

We use ActiveCampaign to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.activecampaign.com/privacy-policy/.

We use Aweber to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.aweber.com/privacy.htm.

We use Campaign Monitor to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.campaignmonitor.com/policies/#privacy-policy.

We use Google Drive and Google Sheets to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

We use Trello to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://trello.com/privacy.

We use Slack to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://slack.com/privacy-policy.

Forminator Polls

Which polls are collecting personal data?

If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any polls on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other polls.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default Forminator captures the <strong>IP Address</strong> for each Poll submission.

In this section you should note what personal data you collected including which polls are available. You should also explan why this data is needed. Include the legal basis for your data collection and note the active consent the user has given.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a poll, we capture the <strong>IP Address</strong> for spam protection and to set voter limitations.

How long we retain your data

By default Forminator retains all votes and its <strong>IP Address</strong> <strong>forever</strong>. You can change this setting in <strong>Forminator</strong> » <strong>Settings</strong> » <strong>Privacy Settings</strong>

Suggested text: When visitors or users votes on a poll we retain the <strong>IP Address</strong> data for 30 days and anonymize it.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on votes.

Third Parties

If your polls utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Forminator Polls can be configured to connect with these third parties:

  • Akismet. Enabled when you installed and configured Akismet on your site.
  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Integrations settings.
  • Google Drive. Enabled when you activated and setup Google Drive on Integrations settings.
  • Trello. Enabled when you activated and setup Trello on Integrations settings.
  • Slack. Enabled when you activated and setup Slack on Integrations settings.

Suggested text:

We use Akismet Spam for spam protection. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://automattic.com/privacy/.

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://zapier.com/privacy/.

We use Google Drive and Google Sheets to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

We use Trello to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://trello.com/privacy.

We use Slack to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://slack.com/privacy-policy.

Forminator Quizzes

Which quizzes are collecting personal data?

If you use Forminator PRO to create and embed any quizzes on your website, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other quizzes.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default Forminator captures <strong>NO Personally Identifiable Information</strong> for each Quiz submission.

In this section you should note what personal data you collected including which quizzes are available. You should also explain why this data is needed. Include the legal basis for your data collection and note the active consent the user has given.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a quiz’s answer, we capture <strong>NO Personally Identifiable Information</strong>.

How long we retain your data

By default Forminator retains all quizzes answers and <strong>forever</strong>. You can change this setting in <strong>Forminator</strong> » <strong>Settings</strong> » <strong>Data</strong>

Suggested text: When visitors or users answer a quiz we retain the <strong>answers</strong> data for 30 days and then remove it from our system.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on answers.

Third Parties

If your quizzes utilize either built-in or external third party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Forminator Quizzes can be configured to connect with these third parties:

  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Integrations settings.
  • Google Drive. Enabled when you activated and setup Google Drive on Integrations settings.
  • Trello. Enabled when you activated and setup Trello on Integrations settings.
  • Slack. Enabled when you activated and setup Slack on Integrations settings.

Suggested text:

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://zapier.com/privacy/.

We use Google Drive and Google Sheets to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

We use Trello to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://trello.com/privacy.

We use Slack to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://slack.com/privacy-policy.

Beehive Pro

This website uses Google Analytics to track website traffic. Collected data is processed in such a way that visitors cannot be identified.


Which modules collect personal data?

If you use Hustle to create and embed any Pop-up, Embed, Slide-in, or Social share module, you may need to mention it here to properly distinguish it from other plugins.

What personal data do we collect and why?

By default, Hustle captures the IP Address for each conversion and for each view only if the „tracking“ functionality is enabled. Other personal data such as your name and email address may also be captured, depending on the form fields.

Note: In this section you should include any personal data you collected and which form captures personal data to give users more relevant information. You should also include an explanation of why this data is needed. The explanation must note either the legal basis for your data collection and retention of the active consent the user has given.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module, we capture the IP Address for analyisis purposes. We also capture the email address and might capture other personal data included in the form fields.

How long we retain your data

By default Hustle retains all form submissions and tracking data forever. You can delete the stored data in Hustle » Settings » Privacy Settings, and under each module’s settings.

Suggested text: When visitors or users submit a form or view a module we retain the data for 30 days.

Where we send your data

Suggested text: All collected data might be shown publicly and we send it to our workers or contractors to perform necessary actions based on the form submission.

Third Parties

If your forms use either built-in or external third-party services, in this section you should mention any third parties and its privacy policy.

By default Hustle optionally use these third-party integrations:

  • ActiveCampaign. Enabled when you activate and setup ActiveCampaign on Email Collection settings.
  • Aweber. Enabled when you activate and setup Aweber on Email Collection settings.
  • Campaign Monitor. Enabled when you activate and setup Campaign Monitor on Email Collection settings.
  • Constant Contact. Enabled when you activate and setup Constant Contact on Email Collection settings.
  • ConvertKit. Enabled when you activate and setup ConvertKit on Email Collection settings.
  • e-Newsletter. Enabled when you activate and setup e-Newsletter on Email Collection settings.
  • GetResponse. Enabled when you activate and setup GetResponse on Email Collection settings.
  • HubSpot. Enabled when you activate and setup HubSpot on Email Collection settings.
  • iContact. Enabled when you activate and setup iContact on Email Collection settings.
  • Infusionsoft. Enabled when you activate and setup Infusionsoft on Email Collection settings.
  • Mad Mimi. Enabled when you activate and setup Mad Mimi on Email Collection settings.
  • Mailchimp. Enabled when you activate and setup Mailchimp on Email Collection settings.
  • MailerLite. Enabled when you activate and setup MailerLite on Email Collection settings.
  • Mautic. Enabled when you activate and setup Mautic on Email Collection settings.
  • reCAPTCHA. Enabled when you activate and setup reCAPTCHA on non-Social sharing modules.
  • Pinterest. Enabled when you activate and setup Pinterest in Social Share Module.
  • SendGrid. Enabled when you activated and setup SendGrid on Email Collection settings.
  • SendinBlue. Enabled when you activated and setup SendinBlue on Email Collection settings.
  • Sendy. Enabled when you activated and setup Sendy on Email Collection settings.
  • Zapier. Enabled when you activated and setup Zapier on Email Collection settings.

Suggested text:

We use ActiveCampaign to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.activecampaign.com/privacy-policy/.

We use Aweber to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.aweber.com/privacy.htm.

We use Campaign Monitor to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.campaignmonitor.com/policies/#privacy-policy.

We use Constant Contact to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.endurance.com/privacy.

We use ConvertKit to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://convertkit.com/privacy/.

We use e-Newsletter to manage our subscriber. You can learn more about it here https://wpmudev.com/project/e-newsletter/.

We use GetResponse to manage our subscriber lists. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.getresponse.com/legal/privacy.html?lang=en.

We use HubSpot to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://legal.hubspot.com/legal-stuff.

We use iContact to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.icontact.com/legal/privacy.

We use Infusionsoft to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.infusionsoft.com/legal/privacy-policy.

We use Mad Mimi to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://madmimi.com/legal/terms.

We use Mailchimp to manage our subscriber list. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/.

We use MailerLite to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.mailerlite.com/privacy-policy.

We use Mautic to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.mautic.org/privacy-policy/.

We use Pinterest to share media. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policy.pinterest.com/privacy-policy/.

We use reCAPTCHA to protect your website from fraud and abuse. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://policies.google.com/privacy.

We use SendGrid to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://sendgrid.com/policies/privacy/.

We use SendinBlue to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://www.sendinblue.com/legal/privacypolicy/.

We use Sendy to manage our subscriber. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://sendy.co/privacy-policy.

We use Zapier to manage our integration data. Their privacy policy can be found here : https://zapier.com/privacy/.


By default Hustle uses cookies to count how many times each module is visualized. Cookies might be used to handle other features such as display settings, used when a module should not be displayed for a certain time, whether the user commented before, whether the user has subscribed, among others, if their related settings are enabled.


Third parties

Hummingbird uses the Stackpath Content Delivery Network (CDN). Stackpath may store web log information of site visitors, including IPs, UA, referrer, Location and ISP info of site visitors for 7 days. Files and images served by the CDN may be stored and served from countries other than your own. Stackpath’s privacy policy can be found here.

WP Smush

Plugin: Smush

Note: Smush does not interact with end users on your website. The only input option Smush has is to a newsletter subscription for site admins only. If you would like to notify your users of this in your privacy policy, you can use the information below.

Smush sends images to the WPMU DEV servers to optimize them for web use. This includes the transfer of EXIF data. The EXIF data will either be stripped or returned as it is. It is not stored on the WPMU DEV servers.

Smush uses the Stackpath Content Delivery Network (CDN). Stackpath may store web log information of site visitors, including IPs, UA, referrer, Location and ISP info of site visitors for 7 days. Files and images served by the CDN may be stored and served from countries other than your own. Stackpath’s privacy policy can be found here.


Wir sammeln Informationen über Besucher, die Kommentare auf Websites, die unseren Akismet Anti-Spam Service benutzen, hinterlassen. Das Ausmaß an Informationen, die wir sammeln, hängt davon ab, wie der Benutzer seine Website eingestellt hat. Normalerweise beinhalten diese Daten die IP-Adresse des Benutzers, den User Agent, Referrer und Website-URL (sowie die Informationen, die der Benutzer direkt eingegeben hat wie z.B. Namen, Benutzernamen, E-Mail-Adresse und den Kommentar selbst).